It soon turned out I had a heart of glass

This is the True Story of how I met you, love of my life.
I was in the refrigerated drinks aisle at the corner store... and I was looking for a cold drink, and they had all these weird hippy drinks in glass bottles like "Willow and Guarana soda" and I'm like "Hey, what is this stuff?"
So I grab a cold wet slippery bottle from the fridge and start reading the label as I walk to the cash... I don't even see you, as you stand by the magazine rack reading Mac Addict... and just as I get to the rack, the bottle slips from my hand and falls, like in slow motion to the floor, and shatters in a million pieces, broken glass and liquid everywhere
The first thing I see of you is your really cool sneakers, Vans, and I bend down to pick up glass, and I'm apologizing cause the Gaurana drink splattered all over your nice sneakers, and it turns out that Guarana and Willow Drink smells like piss... and you bend down too, to help carefully pick up the shards, and so the first time I look up into your beautiful face, and see your gorgeous eyes, we are squatting over shattered glass, knee to knee... and with one look into your eyes- and I knew I would love you forever...
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