She Flies...

She Flies
My daughter is growing so fast-
She thinks she's ready to leave home.
and I have to let her go as gracefully as I can-
I found this old poem I wrote nine years ago
I know she'll be fine.
School doors burst open
children pour into the play yard
and scatter like crows.
Racing, calling to eachother,
their words lost in the storm of voices
a tempest of noise.
My daughter runs for the climber
“watch me mom, see what I can do!”
she calls again and again,
from the climber, the slide, the ladder, the rings.
She’s five and there’s nothing she can’t do.
She runs so fast I am amazed-
her hair streams across her face, into her eyes.
She runs looking over her shoulder laughing.
I want to call to her, 'be careful!
watch where you’re going!"
I just hold my breath and smile...
I wave to show her I’m proud
of how fast she can run,
how high she can climb
how far she can jump.
Her face is alive and she runs faster.
I hold my breath and smile-she doesn’t fall.
I remember waiting at the bottom of the slide
to give her a soft landing everytime
(come on, it’s ok- I’m here, I’m here ot catch you.)
Now she races around the playground on feet so swift
and I know I won’t always be there to catch her.
So I smile and wave and hold my breath,
and she doesn’t fall- she flies.
So I guess I just have to hold my breath and smile and wave and let her know I'll always be here for her- she'll always have a soft place to land.
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