Bowling for Nostalgia

Bowling, I remember you well.
I had a boyfriend I was only passably fond of- I used to think having sex with him was like going bowling. Bowling is something I didn't want to do very often, it seemed like more trouble than it was worth. I'd have to wear someone else's shoes, and I never knew whose warm damp feet had been in them before mine. So it might take some coaxing, but I am a good sport- so I would go bowling, usually only slightly reluctantly. But then I'd find once I was actually at the bowling alley, it was quite alot of fun- I'd even enjoy myself and remember that I'm a pretty good bowler. So I'd go, I'd have a pleasant time, I'd enjoy myself, even. Then once I was home I'd think "it'll be a long while before I do that again..."
That boyfriend and I have long since split- amicably- he deserved someone who was more than only passably fond of him, and I'm glad for him he found that. But the next boyfriend, the one I adored to a tragic level, was only passably fond of me, (oh bitter retribution of love) and now I'm alone and have yet to find someone to love me the way I deserve to be loved. And as perverse as it sounds, I want to find someone to go bowling with. For fun.
See, I haven't been bowling since the end of 2004. I miss it. I miss the shiny lanes, the balls and pins, and I miss the companionable rumble and clatter noise of the alley. I love the kitschy "throw back to Happy Days" feeling of nostalgia that bowling gives me. I even bought my own brand new bowling shoes - pretty two toned pink and blue, they rest unworn in a polka dotted bowling bag. Who knew I'd miss bowling. I guess I liked it more than I was willing to admit- I just hadn't found the right bowling partner yet...
I know I could go bowling by myself- I have my own shoes, afterall. But really, bowling alone isn't as fun, it seems pointless and lonely without someone to cheer on your strikes or slag you for the gutter balls. I'm in the bowling prime of my life, I don't want to go another year without it. Oh Fonzie, where are you?
Hey- look at this:
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