Thursday, September 28, 2006

This costs $350 plus shipping...
It is a monoprint (one of a kind)
How can I get you to help me buy this for Jackfish Crow?

(My latest topic from Consumating.)

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

My HTML Kung Fu is no good:

I love linking to things for you to look at, and I want to see what you want to show us. Give us cool stuff to look at with a simple note about it. (This is my dog. Here is a picture of my ass.Here is a strange video I found on youtube.)

I will try to work on my HTML kung Fu...

(My latest topic from Consumating.)

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

When someone disappears from Consumating suddenly, do you ever wonder what happened to them?
Whatever happened to AfterBirth of Athena? What's Warren Ellis doing now? And ooooh, I think AcidLace skulks in now and then, I'm sure of it.
Remember the departed here.

(My latest topic from Consumating.)

Monday, September 25, 2006

What skeletons live in your closet?

The skeleton in my closet? Call her "Miss February".

(From Consumating)

Oh my God. Heroes. Awesome. Discuss.

(My latest topic from Consumating.)


(My latest topic from Consumating.)


(My latest topic from Consumating.)

I found out this week that my contract has not been renewed- I need a plan B really fast. What sort of money making schemes can you cook up for me?

(My latest topic from Consumating.)

Sunday, September 24, 2006

On September 25, 1970, the The Partridge Family made it's debut...
I looked at David Cassidy, and I thought "David Cassidy, I think I love you...

(My latest topic from Consumating.)

I'm curious how many people have tiesNorth of the border?

(My latest topic from Consumating.)

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Imagine that we just stepped on your puppy. Give us the dirtiest of dirty looks!

Vote for me at Consumating!

Friday, September 22, 2006

What does Consumating Mean To You?

(My latest topic from Consumating.)

My poor daughter Spawn is home with a ferocious foot/cankle infection. She's a sad hunny. Feel free to leave her little notes to cheer her.

(My latest topic from Consumating.)

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Marlowegirl has issued the verdict here and recommends I do this:

this: to my hair...

Before I commit, second opinions are welcome.

(My latest topic from Consumating.)

I have a friend who shall remain nameless who is about to go in for jury duty. Suggest ways he might get out of jury duty (if he wanted to get out of jury duty, which he doesn't, good citizen)

(My latest topic from Consumating.)

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Thursday: I could never get the Hang of Thursdays...
Thursday is now Friday Eve.

Discuss whatever you want to discuss now, as the eve of the eve of the weekend is almost upon us.

(My latest topic from Consumating.)

Word Association Wednesday:

Talking like a pirate was harder than I though it'd be.

What words springs to your mind first when you read the word in the post above yours? I wonder what _Pharoah will say to this:

(My latest topic from Consumating.)

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Where do you spend more time: the real world or the dream world?

My worlds run together like wet paint on canvas

I am living the dream...

My needs are simple and I have enough.

(From Consumating)

Monday, September 18, 2006

This is going to be a great week, because...

(My latest topic from Consumating.)

Tell me why; I don't like Mondays.

(My latest topic from Consumating.)

Sunday, September 17, 2006

What are YOU talking about?
"Open the floodgates", as they say...
They also say, "Start Talkin'"...

(My latest topic from Consumating.)

I'm not here. I'm at the Beach.

Leave me a message.

(My latest topic from Consumating.)

Saturday, September 16, 2006

It's Talk Like A Pirate Day! Get out your eyepatches and peg legs!

Vote for me at Consumating!

I made something for you.

(My latest topic from Consumating.)

Friday, September 15, 2006

Take 26 characters known as the alphabet. Randomly organize them into words. Type those words her for me to read when I get home from seeing these guys tonight!

(My latest topic from Consumating.)

I have something for you. Maybe

(My latest topic from Consumating.)

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

As a mad scientist, what insane schemes would you concoct?

As a Mad Scientist I would concoct Insane Schemes involving Sexy Girls and Non-Lethal weapons to bring about World Peace. Tom Waits would be my own personal Evil Genius sidekick.

(From Consumating)

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Scattergories Saturday

(My latest topic from Consumating.)

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Bad Advice Friday:
What advice are you seeking?
You know I'll advise you, you know it'll be bad.

(My latest topic from Consumating.)

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

My daughter starts high school today!
Post your words of wisdom for surviving high school and I'll pass them along to her.

(My latest topic from Consumating.)

What do you fight for every day?

I want you to know that I am out here Fighting For YOUR Right To Party.

(From Consumating)

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Tell me about the time you got fired...

(My latest topic from Consumating.)

Sunday, September 03, 2006

It soon turned out I had a heart of glass

This is the True Story of how I met you, love of my life.

I was in the refrigerated drinks aisle at the corner store... and I was looking for a cold drink, and they had all these weird hippy drinks in glass bottles like "Willow and Guarana soda" and I'm like "Hey, what is this stuff?"

So I grab a cold wet slippery bottle from the fridge and start reading the label as I walk to the cash... I don't even see you, as you stand by the magazine rack reading Mac Addict... and just as I get to the rack, the bottle slips from my hand and falls, like in slow motion to the floor, and shatters in a million pieces, broken glass and liquid everywhere

The first thing I see of you is your really cool sneakers, Vans, and I bend down to pick up glass, and I'm apologizing cause the Gaurana drink splattered all over your nice sneakers, and it turns out that Guarana and Willow Drink smells like piss... and you bend down too, to help carefully pick up the shards, and so the first time I look up into your beautiful face, and see your gorgeous eyes, we are squatting over shattered glass, knee to knee... and with one look into your eyes- and I knew I would love you forever...

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Brushes with The Law:
Did you Fight The Law? (did The Law win?) Did You Shoot The Sherriff? Or maybe just got a reprimand for public nudity... Tell me about your brush with The Law.

(My latest topic from Consumating.)

Bite me! Say that when you bite yourself for this contest.

Vote for me at Consumating!

Abducted and Probed by Aliens.

(My latest topic from Consumating.)

Friday, September 01, 2006

Fallout Shelly

I found this picture online while looking for images of the grape harvest...

I guess if you're going to live in a fallout shelter, you'll want to have a lot of wine.