Sunday, December 31, 2006

O.C.D. behaviours.

Everyone has little quirks, obsession, habits, compulsions. Confess and explain them here.
(i.e. I buy meat, then put it in my fridge until I throw it away. I'm sure it's good when I buy it, but by the time I go to cook it, I'm convinced it's gone off)

(My latest topic from Consumating.)

New Years Eve 2006.


(My latest topic from Consumating.)

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Design it here and they will come...

(My latest topic from Consumating.)

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

What Top 10 List are you most qualified to compile for 2006?

I'd be most qualified to compile the Top Ten Reasons to Stay in Shape

(From Consumating)

Monday, December 25, 2006

Am I the only one who thinks David Blaine is kind of a dick?

(My latest topic from Consumating.)

Sunday, December 24, 2006

it's a Wonderful Life,


(My latest topic from Consumating.)

Thanks to those great folks from Austin who've shared their picks for places to visit where to eat/what to see when in Austin. My friends will appreciate it during their week long stay in Austin. Any other contributions welcome~!

(My latest topic from Consumating.)

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Thank you.

(My latest topic from Consumating.)

It's comin' on to Christmas,

they're cuttin' down trees,

puttin' up reindeer and singing songs of joy and peace...
I wish I had a river I could skate away on.

(My latest topic from Consumating.)

Bang! Point your fingers at the camera, put on a menacing face and ... SHOOT!

Vote for me at Consumating!

I'm here.

(My latest topic from Consumating.)

I need a new Holiday to replace this old tired Christmas.

Invent a new one.

(My latest topic from Consumating.)

I'm ALONE for Christmas....

Make me a toy, send me a note, come to my emotional rescue!!

(My latest topic from Consumating.)

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

One of our Consumating Consorts is definitely a Super Hero.

Who is it?? What is their secret super power?

(My latest topic from Consumating.)

I have extracted myself from an uncomfortable situation using the verbal jaws of life... what heroic things have you done lately?

(My latest topic from Consumating.)

Drank too much eggnog at the office party, and now you feel like your head is about to explode. Be hungover with us.

Vote for me at Consumating!

Only one shopping week left til Christmas! What do you want to see in your stocking?

A Dick in A Box.

(From Consumating)

What do you propose as the viable energy source of the future?

Hot Sauce and the Ensuing Hell Fire and Gaseous Rectal Vapours it creates will be a viable energy source in the near future... right after I finish this Taco, for instance...

(From Consumating)

Sunday, December 17, 2006

I resolve to...

(My latest topic from Consumating.)

Thursday, December 07, 2006

You might not be addicted to Nintendo, but everyone likes to play games. Show us your game face!

Vote for me at Consumating!

You are this holiday's hottest gift. Sing us a catchy jingle!

Happy Fucking Holidays

Mr. Lahey: [while delivering his speech drunk, to become trailer park supervisor]
Who in this park, or even in the whole world, doesn't have problems?
Who doesn't have a drink too many times once in a while and maybe even winds up passed out in their own driveway, pissing themselves?
Who doesn't drink too much sometimes or who doesn't have a puff from time to time?
And who doesn't have problems with the people they love?
This is our home. This is our community.

(From Consumating)

I'm selling my Airstream. What mistakes are YOU about to make?

(My latest topic from Consumating.)

Monday, December 04, 2006

You might not be addicted to Nintendo, but everyone likes to play games. Show us your game face!

Vote for me at Consumating!

What is the meaning of life?

That's like asking an ant, "What is the meaning of sand?"

(From Consumating)