Old TV in front of a dead man's house

There was an old man who lived in a rickety old farm house just up the road from me. The weeds had grown up all around it and him too, I suppose. The farm house was the last of the really old houses in the district, a wooden three story structure that was built for a huge family, though now he lived alone with 15 or 20 cats that prowled freely like ghosts in and out through gaps and holes. The town and then the neighborhood swelled all around the property, encroaching upon it, waiting for either the old man or his house to succumb to time so the swell of progress could consume that last acre. In the three or four years I lived in the neighborhood, I rarely saw him, but each night you could see the blue-light flicker of a tv from his kitchen until late late at night.
When the old guy died some nephews came from "away" to sell off his house to land hungry developers and they carted all his stuff to the curb - boxes of rags and newspapers and a few personal possesions, including a tv like this one. I passed the house on my way to town one morning and when I saw that tv in the garbage I felt an actual lurching in my stomach - I've never wanted anything so earnestly in all my life, but I just couldn't bring myself to stop in front of the house of my dead neighbor to pilfer the chattel of his passing. I drove away and was of course seized instantly by a sense of loss and regret - it seemed more wrong to leave that beautiful old tv there in the garbage than to take it away. "Greedy tv lust" overcame "dead neighbor guilt" and I slowly circled the block and drove back to get the coolest tv on earth. It was gone by the time I circled the block. I still wish I had seized the opportunity when it came to me. Dead is dead, but cool tvs are forever.
Hey: Look at this:
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